Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Skype Interview Tips Tricks

Skype Interview Tips Tricks Skype Interview Tips Tricks | Points to Remember4 min read Read ­ing Time: 3 min ­utesPrepar ­ing for an inter ­view can be a stress ­ful process for job seek ­ers. You have to keep innu ­mer ­able things in mind, plus reach the venue on time. As glob ­al ­iza ­tion secures its place in the cor ­po ­rate world, more and more peo ­ple are switch ­ing to Skype inter ­views. A Skype inter ­view has the flex ­i ­bil ­i ­ty of a phone inter ­view and at the same time, it also allows the advan ­tage of sit ­ting face to face with your can ­di ­date. Tips For a Skype Inter ­view Fre ­quent ­ly Asked Skype Inter ­view Ques ­tions Tips For a Skype Interview It is easy to get car ­ried away dur ­ing a Skype inter ­view and lose focus. To avoid that, here are some skype inter ­view tips that are essen ­tial to keep in mind when you appear for your inter ­view. Aesthetic Surroundings One of the most essen ­tial tips for a Skype inter ­view, or any video inter ­view, is to pre ­pare your sur ­round ­ings. Make sure there is good light ­ing around you, get rid of clut ­ter on your desk or any dis ­tract ­ing dec ­o ­ra ­tions. Keep your sur ­round ­ings clean and vis ­i ­bly pleas ­ant. Dress To Impress Grant ­ed you are not giv ­ing an in-per ­son inter ­view, but being dressed pro ­fes ­sion ­al ­ly for the inter ­view is essen ­tial. Since you will be seen through a web ­cam, make sure you go with min ­i ­mal pat ­terns from head to toe. Do not wear nar ­row stripes. Avoid wear ­ing bright reds and oranges. Don’t for ­get to go for neu ­tral tones, like navy blues and blacks. Also, find a com ­plete guide on Inter ­view Dress Code includ ­ing appro ­pri ­ate attire for an inter ­view for employ ­ment for males and females for both for ­mal and casu ­al job inter ­views. Cheat Sheet An added advan ­tage of giv ­ing a Skype inter ­view is that you can make your very own cheat sheet and keep it next to you. It is help ­ful to jot down some key points handy, just in case you want to refer to them dur ­ing your inter ­view. How ­ev ­er, avoid look ­ing into it too much because you may seem dis ­tract ­ed to the hir ­ing man ­ag ­er. Keep It, Pro ­fes ­sion ­al The best tips for a skype inter ­view include main ­tain ­ing a pro ­fes ­sion ­al atti ­tude through ­out the call. Keep your answers brief and to the point. Main ­tain nat ­ur ­al eye con ­tact while answer ­ing inter ­view ques ­tions. Make sure your body lan ­guage shows con ­fi ­dence. Avoid using “umm” in-between sen ­tences. Make sure to dis ­play your metic ­u ­lous knowl ­edge regard ­ing your field in your answers. Addi ­tion ­al ­ly, keep mul ­ti ­ple copies of your resume ready in case you have to sub ­mit it to the inter ­view ­er. Apart from Skype, there are many oth ­er ways through which the inter ­view is con ­duct ­ed. You may pre ­pare your ­self fur ­ther on how to pre ­pare for an inter ­view. Most Frequently Asked Skype Interview Questions Regard ­less of the job you are apply ­ing for, there are a bunch of com ­mon inter ­view ques ­tions that are asked by most recruiters. The catch for skype inter ­view ques ­tions is to keep your answers brief and to the point. This will keep the recruiter engaged in what you have to say instead of zon ­ing out while you tell him things he did ­n’t need to know. Here is a list of the most fre ­quent ­ly asked Skype inter ­view ques ­tions and how to answer them: Tell me about yourself. Be it a skype inter ­view or a tra ­di ­tion ­al one, every recruiter or HR or man ­ag ­er will ask you this ques ­tion to ini ­ti ­ate the inter ­view. This ques ­tion is essen ­tial ­ly ask ­ing for your intro ­duc ­tion. Stick ­ing to the point is your key, keep the intro ­duc ­tion about you, your expe ­ri ­ence and your achieve ­ments only. Do not talk about your fam ­i ­ly or your per ­son ­al life. Do you consider yourself fit to be a leader? This ques ­tion is to inter ­pret your lead ­er ­ship skills, whether you will be able to han ­dle a team or not. If you have expe ­ri ­ence as a leader, then you just have to talk about your chal ­lenges and how you achieved them. If you don’t have any expe ­ri ­ence as a leader, this is your chance to prove that you are up for chal ­lenges and appre ­ci ­ate any oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty to learn. Elab ­o ­rate on how you will be able to lead a team in a moti ­vat ­ed spir ­it. What are your strengths and weaknesses? This is anoth ­er one of the most fre ­quent ­ly asked skype inter ­view ques ­tions. When you answer this ques ­tion, it can either make or break your impres ­sion on the inter ­view ­er. Avoid giv ­ing a neg ­a ­tive answer but at the same time, don’t brag about your ­self either. Find a bal ­ance and talk about your weak ­ness ­es in a way that shows you are learn ­ing to out ­grow them. What is your biggest achievement? This ques ­tion kind of goes along with the pre ­vi ­ous one in terms of cre ­at ­ing a bal ­ance. Try to answer this ques ­tion with ­out feel ­ing hes ­i ­tant or shy but at the same time avoid sound ­ing brag ­gy. Talk about how your achieve ­ment shaped you as a pro ­fes ­sion ­al. Also, keep the achieve ­ment work-relat ­ed only. Do not talk about per ­son ­al achieve ­ments in your inter ­view. What are your goals in life? Elab ­o ­rate on your short-term and long-term goals that will add to your growth. How ­ev ­er, keep your answer focussed on pro ­fes ­sion ­al goals main ­ly. Skype inter ­views can be equal ­ly intim ­i ­dat ­ing as a tra ­di ­tion ­al inter ­view. It is okay if you don’t know the answer to every ques ­tion they ask you, what is impor ­tant is whether you can show your zeal to learn and grow. Just remem ­ber to keep your calm and main ­tain a con ­fi ­dent demeanor through ­out. Put your best foot for ­ward to nail a Skype inter ­view. Good luck! skype interviewskype interview questionsskype interview tips

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